Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do your job, damnit!

"You can read, can't you?"  Whoa....what?!

I retrace my steps back up the jetway, my carry-on bumping it's way behind me.

"Excuse me...?, I question this beligerent man.

"You can read, can't you?"

I'm an English teacher, I have a Master's Degree! I can read English, French and a little Italian and this employee of Southwest Airlines is actually asking me if I can read?

"This isn't a boarding pass...it's a security document. You need to go back to the desk to get a boarding pass."

Wow..he's right. I guess the fact that it LOOKS like a boarding pass and has my alpha-numeric place in the Southwest line up for my trip to visit my daughter doesn't matter...it's not a boarding pass.

"You need to go over to the gate desk and get a boarding pass",  he says as the passengers smugly pass me on their unharrassed way to visit someone they love.

I queue behind five other flight rejects who are also waiting for one of the three employees at the gate desk to notice them...and I hear my name called because I haven't boarded my flight yet. I approach the desk and this extremely harried and ... well...I'll say it...effeminate man is waving his hands around his head shreiking "I can't do this! There are too many people and so much to do!"....His nametag says Greg and he sees me... "Can't you see there's a line?"

"YOU called my name. I need a boarding pass."

He reluctantly tosses my golden ticket to me and I go back to visit my old buddy at the jetway. He scans my pass and I move on. .... "Diane?"


Apparently, I didn't give the charming Greg my ticket and there is another snafu. Finally, after much bickering between the jetway and the gate desk, I board my flight amid the glares of passengers who have been ready and waiting for me.

Yesterday, I participated in an educational focus group about teen relationships, sexting, etc. The group followed the lead and answered the questions of the people from the university. About 12 teachers and one administrator were present and many good discussions, comments,concerns and questions were tossed around.

But something was bothering me. No matter the suggestion, concern or inquiry, the administrator would shoot it down or make an excuse as to why it couldn't be done. Inevitably, the reason was we don't want to upset the parent or we can't invade their privacy or ...well, he equivocated about EVERYTHING. I wanted to scream, "take a stand on something, for God's sake....do your job!"

You're probably wondering why these two stories are occupying the same page? I guess I'm pissed when people DON'T DO THEIR JOB. The Southwest employees were annoying....but the administrator? That infuriated me. Kids are so vulnerable and here was someone who could exert some control but wouldn't....and it pissed me off.

I guess I see so many kids who are close to the edge and it scares me. Here is someone who can do something yet doesn't.

Please share your experiences about people who make excuses instead of doing what's right....I need to know I'm not alone here!